A mother's love is unconditional, it knows no limits or time. That's why we like to choose a day of the year to make it special for them. A day to remind them how much we love them and how special they are in our lives. It's a day where we pamper them, take them out to eat at their favorite restaurant, give them flowers, chocolates, gifts. A day where the whole family gets together to celebrate them and thank them for everything they do for us.
However, this May 10th is not the same for all mothers. We had the opportunity to talk with some of the knitters from La Cana about what this day meant to them, and they showed us that there are no barriers that prevent a mother's love from being unconditional and infinite, no matter where they are or how long they will be away.
These women have had to watch their children grow up from a distance, in sporadic visits, while many of them simply hope that they are well wherever they are.
They are mothers who experience important moments through a photo or a phone call, but who still get excited about their achievements and worry about their problems.
They are women who are fighters and, regardless of the situation they find themselves in or the mistakes they have made in the past, have managed to send financial aid to their families through decent work so that their children can have education, food and clothing.
Mothers who try every day, through their creations, to set the example that perhaps they did not have in terms of honesty at work, but who seek above all to make their families proud with the direction they have given to their lives.
Many of them are waiting for their relatives to visit them on this special day, preparing letters and gifts, and are very excited to see the products they have been working on. Some others know that their visit will not come, but they still hope that one day they will be able to share this day with their loved ones.
This letter is to honor all those women who today cannot be accompanied by their children, but who, regardless of the circumstances, continue to send all their support and unconditional love that characterizes all mothers.
Because a mother’s love knows no walls… Happy Mother’s Day!