In Mexico, 10 women die every day. This unfortunate figure leads us to understand that gender violence is a serious social problem that reveals the inequality that exists towards women. Since this is a phenomenon that transcends without limits age, educational level, economic status or place of origin, we seek the most appropriate measures to prevent and get ahead of any situation that involves violence in any of its forms.
Raise Your Voice for All is a workshop strategically designed to address and prevent gender violence. We seek to ensure that, despite exclusionary social norms and discriminatory laws, spaces to talk about, recognize, understand and address violence are open in any setting and at the service of women.
We work from basic concepts to social responsibility, with the aim of making visible that violence is not exclusive to private spaces nor does it occur due to a single variable. Sensitization exercises and techniques, psychoeducation, and introspection are some of the strategies used so that women identify risk factors from a more personal level and develop protection factors according to a value system based on non-violence.
FIRST EDITION 2020. Workshop "Raise Your Voice for All!
Implemented in the Barrientos, Ecatepec and Neza Sur prisons for 10 weeks, each session lasting 100 minutes, and benefiting 58 women.