We all have a relatively stable tendency to explain the negative and “failure” situations that occur in our lives. This is known as explanatory styles and these styles create realities; the immediate reality and the future reality.
In the workshop Understanding My Mind we aim to help women understand how reality is interpreted, how two people can have different interpretations and actions in the same situation. We analyse how these explanations include their opinion of the circumstances, their self-image and the image of other people.
In this group intervention, we review how the mind works and how thoughts affect the way we act and feel. We analyze the relationship between thoughts and well-being, as well as the main patterns that the mind follows, and we recognize the difference between negative thinking and positive thinking.
realistic as a way of taking responsibility for what you think and how you do it.
interact with that everyday reality.
We work with tools that help them recognize where their explanatory styles are oriented: appreciation, contempt, desire, rejection, possibility, etc., and the effects of these on their moods and on what happens in their lives in the short, medium and long term.
We provide women with strategies based on positive psychology to change thought patterns for their own benefit.
FIRST EDITION 2020. Workshop "Understanding my mind"
Implemented in the Neza Bordo prison for a duration of 5 weeks, each session lasting 100 minutes, and has benefited 48 women.