We promote emotional well-being

Learn more about La Cana

We create opportunities for women in prison

We are a group of women concerned about the lack of effective policies to achieve the reintegration into society of people deprived of liberty in our country; and because of the conditions in which they live inside penitentiary centers, which make it difficult for their rehabilitation and social reintegration to be effective.

Work axes

  • Prisons that Reinsert
  • Impact on Public Policies
  • Economic independence
  • Freedom Program
  • Follow up in freedom programme


  • Volunteering

    Join our team of volunteers and help us transform the country's prisons into places of opportunity!

  • Donations

    Your donation transforms lives. Every contribution, big or small, directly drives our work. Thank you for being part of our cause!

    I want to donate
  • In kind donations

    Whether it's products, skills, or time, your contribution strengthens our ability to positively impact incarcerated women.

  • Compra con Causa

    Tu compra puede cambiar vidas, ya que cada vez que realizas una compra en La Cana ayudas a un a una mujer privada de la libertad a tener un futuro lejos de la violencia y la delincuencia. Súmate y compra #ProductosconCausa



“...they teach you that no matter where you are, you can still believe in yourself and that is my main incentive...”

“...I have great faith that before the end of the year I will be able to obtain my freedom and I hope to continue being part of the foundation and thus achieve many projects...”

“...in prison there is a lot of fear of not being able to generate income and be able to support ourselves and our children...”