Follow up in freedom programme

Our objective is to provide psychological, social and work tools to women who graduated from a penitentiary center to promote their empowerment and the development of an independent life project away from crime.

At La Cana we believe in the importance of giving women who gain their freedom a second chance.

For this reason, we provide comprehensive support when they leave prison, since this is when they are most vulnerable.

We do the above through psychological care and the opportunity for formal, decent and paid employment either within La Cana, or by channeling them with allied companies, as well as providing access to educational opportunities.

The main barriers that women face once they leave prisons are: Discrimination by society and, in many cases, by their own families; the absence of a savings fund to survive outside of prison; the lack of employment and educational opportunities; the lack of a strong support network; the lack of identification documents required to access a job and social security; and the lack of access to a psychotherapeutic process that allows them to strengthen the social skills necessary for successful reintegration into their communities and reduce the risk of criminal recidivism.

Given that the Mexican prison system is incapable of solving reintegration issues: La Cana has developed a comprehensive program where we propose effective crime prevention strategies and social integration processes into its community.

Halfway House

When women leave prison, they often find themselves in very violent situations and do not have a safe place to live.

La Cana opens the doors to this place so that they have a temporary home where they can feel safe and have the care they need.

This house is the only one of its kind in Mexico. It is a safe home where women can live with their minor sons and daughters, after regaining their freedom.

We offer support and accompaniment so that they can rebuild their lives away from violence; We provide education workshops, job training, and psychological care. They will receive everything they need to develop their skills and be able to obtain a job or become self-employed, as well as emotional support to rebuild their lives.

Monitoring in freedom has been consolidated as La Cana's essential program to rebuild the social fabric and to materialize the long-awaited effective social reintegration, in favor of peace and justice.