Volunteering in La Cana

Daniela Ancira, July 03, 2020

Voluntariado en La Cana

The volunteers who invest their time and efforts in the projects play an extremely important role in La Cana. Thanks to their solidarity and altruism we have been able to carry out a series of activities, workshops, programs and collections that perhaps without their help, we would never have. we would have achieved. Today, La Cana, AC Social Reintegration Project has more than 40 people who volunteer in our project.

Our volunteers work in the different areas that we cover inside and outside the prison. In the area of ​​mental health, we have had the support of volunteers who teach workshops on logotherapy, motherhood and parenting, meaning of life and who currently provide individual therapy to women in our release monitoring program.

Likewise, we have had the support of painters, yoga instructors and teachers who have helped us promote Education, Art, Culture and Sports programs. The volunteers have taught incarcerated women their knowledge to develop or strengthen new skills in watercolor, painting, yoga, reading and writing, as well as meditation inside prison.

On the other hand, we have participated with various companies such as Uber Eats, We Work, and KPMG to carry out recreational activities within the prison. Corporate volunteering helps us motivate a large number of women deprived of liberty to participate in the activities of La Cana. Within this type of volunteering we try to create a link between the women deprived of liberty and the volunteers so that both parties can benefit from the experience.

In corporate volunteering, classes have been taught so that volunteers can learn the techniques of the products that women deprived of liberty make, they have participated in making altars on the Day of the Dead, as well as organizing Christmas posadas within of prison.

Volunteering is one of the best tools society has to change things. We work with extremely supportive and generous people who contribute to creating our country's prisons in places of opportunity. Thank you all for your support, time and effort!

Do you want to be a volunteer at La Cana?
Click here to fill out the form!